Vector of ones |
Confidence level |
Vector of instantaneous alphas |
Vector of ordinary least-squares estimates for instantaneous alphas |
Vector of portfolio betas |
Matrix of betas |
Ordinary least-squares estimate for matrix of betas |
Certainty equivalent |
Conditional Value-at-Risk |
Vector of dividend yields |
Portfolio dividend yield |
Diagonal matrix with elements of at the main diagonal. |
Vector, whose elements are equal to diagonal elements of A |
Vector of transaction costs |
Vector of regression residuals |
Mathematical expectation symbol |
Downside volatility |
Normalized downside volatility |
Inaction region |
Information ratio |
Absolute risk aversion coefficient |
Relative risk aversion coefficient |
Expected simple rate of return |
Mu vector |
Excess Mu vector |
Implied excess Mu vector |
Vector of sample estimates for excess Mu |
Model-implied estimate for excess Mu vector |
Portfolio Mu |
Portfolio excess Mu |
Excess Mu for GMV portfolio |
Excess Mu for tangency portfolio |
Set of possible values for excess Mu vector |
Normalized STARR ratio |
Simple return |
Simple annual rate of return |
Weight in riskless asset |
Vector of portfolio weights, corresponding to risky assets |
Vector of portfolio weights for GMV portfolio |
Vector of portfolio weights for tangency portfolio |
Vector of portfolio weights for Merton portfolio |
Vector of portfolio weights for "three-fund" portfolio |
Set of admissible portfolios |
Risk-adjusted expected excess rate of return |
Logarithmic return, calculated on [0,T] period |
Simple annual rate of return, calculated on [0,T] period |
Expected logarithmic rate of return, calculated on [0,T] period |
Portfolio expected excess growth rate in the analytical model |
Risk-free rate |
Borrowing rate |
Lending rate |
Determination coefficient in regression |
Target excess growth rate, minimum acceptance excess rate (MAR) |
Volatility vector |
Portfolio volatility |
Vector of expected excess growth rates in the analytical model |
Volatility of GMV portfolio |
Volatility of tangency portfolio |
Sortino ratio |
Normalized Sortino ratio |
Sharpe ratio |
Instantaneous Sharpe ratio |
STARR ratio |
Volatility matrix |
t-statistics vector for instantaneous alphas |
t-statistics matrix for betas |
Investment horizon |
Utility function |
Vector of assets relative contributions to portfolio variance |
Value-at-Risk |
Covariance matrix |
Sample covariance matrix |
Model-implied estimate of covariance matrix |
Covariance matrix for regression residuals |