Portfolio Analytics
Portfolio Weights
As before, assume that the investor is able to invest in a riskless asset and risky assets ,...,.
Definition. By investor’s discounted wealth we imply his/her wealth, measured in units of .
Having at his disposal at time the amount of discounted wealth ,the investor distributes his wealth among assets ,..., according to proportions ,...,. The above means that in -th asset the
investor puts a share of his total wealth, i.e. amount
Amounts ,..., should satisfy the condition ,therefore for full determination of portfolio structure at time it is sufficient to provide the amounts ,..., only . Then
Definition. Vector of dimension refers to a vector of proportions or weights of a portfolio at time .
Definition. Stochastic process is a Portfolio Strategy.
Note. In general, SmartFolio operates with portfolio strategies, whose weights are constant in time. At the
time of writing the only exceptions are “Inaction Region” Portfolio Strategies, used when proportional
transaction costs are present in the market, and Portfolio Insurance Strategies, used to satisfy specific
constraints put on wealth dynamics. An economic ground for using portfolio strategies with constant weights
is given here.
It will be assumed further, that weights of portfolios are constant in time. Such portfolios will be associated with the vectors of weights
Types of Portfolio Weights Structures
Consider the portfolio
Long-Only Portfolio
Fully Invested Portfolio
or equally
Long-Only Fully Invested Portfolio
Zero-Invested Portfolio
or equally
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